Why is Math needed for Machine Learning ?

Originally written on:- 22nd September, 2019.

Math is everything..!!

“Lesson one starts simple gotta get that data
Don’t even pick out the thetas until we get that data
And if we open the file, it might look like a haze,
But if we keep it algorithmic we can set it ablaze
Hello! Algebra ops its input times weight
It’s a Matrix of nums, add a bias, activate
And when it learns from the data it’ll tell us things
Like how to cure a disease or how to spend our money

Or even, generate a game you won’t believe,
It’s like build train test done, NLP
Bad drivers let me show you my friend
Cause you can drive it hands free and still have so much to spend
Make the Data Lit, Make the Data Lit
Make the Data, Make the Data Lit, Make the Data Lit, Learn from it”

-Siraj Raval, 2019. 

This is the first verse from Siraj Raval’s rap for the “Data-Lit” course for School of AI from earlier this year. You can see how math is intertwined with everyday data science, ranging from solving problems in medical science to self-driving cars. This is only the first verse. There’s more. Shout-out to Siraj..!!. Watch the full video here.

A little Rant

You have to understand a crucial point here, there is no Artificial Intelligence without math. Math is everything. It is all about the applications of algorithms and logic to problems. Real world problems. I hate to break it to you, but one should never call themselves data scientists if you are ignoring math. Now, one of the things I need you, the reader to understand is that with the introduction of advanced libraries, advanced tools, it can be very easy to ignore the in-depth mathematics that is being performed right under your nose.(Auto-ML). The ones that remain hidden under the commands, the libraries , the tools etc. But since we are talking about becoming actual data scientists and researchers, math will remain essential forever .
           Let me give you an example. Very few understand the in-depth mathematics behind computational graphs which by the way is one of the basic things you need to learn during backpropagation and ANNs. Why you ask. Because you are importing tensorflow as tf every time. A lot of things go on behind the scenes that people seem to ignore. But tensorflow isn’t at fault here at all and you shouldn’t stop using it.

Once again, I am not against using tensorflow, torch, pytorch, keras etc. I go back and forth all the time and I can understand that ALL the in-depth math is not possible to remember while you are doing a project, but there are many that skip everything, including the minimum effort that needs to be given to math before even attempting anything. I am not very sympathetic towards them as you may have sensed. Also, I am not asking you to perform backpropagation on a piece of paper manually and then code it out on MATLAB. I am only asking you to keep the concepts at your fingertips as much as possible.  MathOverflow.net , Math.stackexchange.com and Reddit threads are always there to help you . As a data scientist, you have to deal with math every day. You will learn, you will fail and the cycle continues. Happens to me daily and I don’t even consider myself to be a data scientist right now. That will still take at least a couple decades of hard work. I am just an AI enthusiast.

 PS:- I still Google stuff about eigenvalues, eigenvectors , eigendecomposition etc.

Math Needed for Machine Learning
The backbone of ML is formed using these four. Linear Algebra, Probability, statistics, Calculus. I already have a full curriculum on GitHub called  “Mathematics for AI in 5 weeks”. Check here.
The amount of math you’ll need depends on the role you are playing. First, every data scientist needs to know statistics and probability theory. Machine Learning is all  about statistics. There’s a guide for that:

What about other types of math? Well, here’s where the answer is more nuanced… it depends on how much original machine learning research you’ll be doing. For your reference. Introduction to Statistical Machine Learning is an excellent e-book (with free PDF version), the example is the use of R language, this book covers a wider range of topics, when you make more progress in machine learning This is a valuable tool. Although , I have provided the GitHub link to my own Mathematics curriculum, the basics are really important.
Why is statistics so important for data science ?

In a blog post titled, Why I Majored in Statistics for a Career in Artificial Intelligence, its author, Roman Ring admitted that there is indeed a dearth of undergraduates programme exclusively for AI and tells his readers how he fared in the industry despite obtaining a Master’s degree in Statistics.
Ring  says that there is a big misconception surrounding the subject and assures his readers that “deep learning, is just applied statistics in disguise.”
“It is still very rare to have an undergraduate degree fully dedicated to AI, so people opt for what they perceive to be the next best thing – Computer Science (CS),” he said. “But I believe there is a better alternative: statistics. Many ML techniques and algorithms are either fully borrowed from or heavily rely on the theory from statistics,” Ring adds.
To land in an AI/ML job with a statistics degree might sound absurd at first, according to Ring, that was precisely how his peers reacted to his choice of majoring in the subject. He goes on to say that while maths students saw statistics as a not being “pure” enough, the CS students thought that it was not “engineering oriented.”
However, Ring admits that both subjects have their own applications when it comes to AI and ML, for instance,  continuity and differentiability in maths are widely used in AI/ML algorithms.  He further goes on to explain how Probability Theory and Statistic,  which to a certain degree is taught in CS, numerical method, Matrix Calculus, Monte Carlo Methods, Stochastic Processes, Data Analysis and Experimental Design can enhance your knowledge about AI/ML.

Importance Of Statistics

To the question of  ‘Is statistics a prerequisite for machine learning‘, a Quora user said that it is important to learn the subject to interpret the results of logistic regression or you will end up being baffled by how bad your models perform due to non-normalised predictors. “If this is the case, probably the person will be using the wrong splitting criterion for their tree-based models”, he explains. “Absolutely anybody can take a dataset, throw a machine learning algorithm at it, and then proclaim “I did machine learning,” he commented.

ML in the workplace
Application-Heavy Machine Learning Positions
In practice, especially in entry-level data science roles, you’ll often be using out-of-the-box ML implementations. There are robust libraries of common libraries in many programming languages. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel.
Even so, interviewers may still test your basic linear algebra and multivariable calculus. Why do they do this?
Well, at some point, your team may still need to build custom implementations of ML algorithms. For example, you may need to adapt one to your tech stack or to expand its base functionality. To do so, you must be able to peel back ML algorithms and work with their innards.
R&D-Heavy Machine Learning Positions
Other roles need much more original ML research and development. You may need to translate algorithms from academic papers into working code. Or, you might research enhancements based on your business’s unique challenges.
In other words, you’ll be implementing algorithms from scratch much more often.
For these positions, mastery of both linear algebra and multivariable calculus is a must.
The Best Way to Learn Math for ML
The self-starter way to learning math for data science is to learn by “doing shit.” So we’re going to tackle linear algebra and calculus by using them in real algorithms!
Even so, you’ll want to learn or review the underlying theory up front. Read the textbook , but you’ll want to learn the key concepts first.

For application-heavy roles...
Khan Academy has short lessons. They cover the most important topics.

For R&D-heavy roles...
MIT OpenCourseWare offers a rigorous classes. The video lectures and course materials are all included. Do the tutorials on Graph theory, Linear Algebra, Mathematics for AI tutorials if possible by MIT Opencourseware.

Why Worry About The Maths?
There are many reasons why the mathematics of Machine Learning is important and I will highlight some of them below:
1.     Selecting the right algorithm which includes giving considerations to accuracy, training time, model complexity, number of parameters and number of features.
2.     Choosing parameter settings and validation strategies.
3.     Identifying underfitting and overfitting by understanding the Bias-Variance tradeoff.
4.     Estimating the right confidence interval and uncertainty.

Math you do need for ML (Your walk in the door checklist)

What solid mathematical-related skills do you need to walk in the door?

This varies on what company you're working for and what kind of position you're applying for.  If you want to get into machine learning theory, you're going to need a fair bit of  mathematics (like PCA and calculus). However, if you're wanting to snag a junior analyst job and dip your toes into becoming a machine learning practitioner, you can get by with a few basics. At a bare minimum, you should know:
§  Data manipulation skills: basic algebra, like the meaning of variables (x,y,z) basic function types (e.g. exponential, logarithmic, or linear) and function notation (e.g. f(x) = 8 + 783^x  8x).
§  Data visualization skills: Ability to create scatter plots, histograms and x-y charts (all of which are covered in basic high school math). You'll definitely need to know how to interpret a scatter chart, but you'll never need to sketch a histogram by hand.
§  Data analysis skills: basic descriptive statistics terms like mean, mode, median, standard deviation and variance. Summation notation is extremely important, as it appears frequently in machine learning.  Sharp Sight calls data analysis  the "real prerequisite for machine learning." 

This is an absolute basic minimum. The more you know, the more you'll be able to jump into a project. While you'll probably have no trouble cleaning and performing basic data analytics, you might run into difficulties with improving models and making predictions unless you've got higher level math skills.

Math that WILL be VERY useful down the road

As a junior data analyst, you probably won't be involved in many machine learning projects. But the further down your career path you go, the more math you'll need. According to the University of Warwick, a strong mathematics background gives you more than just math knowledge, it enhances your ability to think clearly, follow complex reasoning, and pay attention to detail. Some areas that are recommended as helpful include and as I have mentioned previously:

§  Calculus: functions, derivatives, multi-variable calculus, differential equations.
§  Linear algebra: vectors, matrices, eigenvalues/eigenvectors, principle component analysis, singular value decomposition. 
§  Statistics: statistics is really at the heart of data science and machine learning.  A course in statistics gives you much more than just "statistics." You'll learn probability and data analysis too. 
§   Logic. Rather than memorizing all those properties and acronyms from high school algebra, a much better use of your valuable learning time is to stretch your brain and learn logic. If you can think logically, you can learn anything at a later date. They don't actually teach "logic" in high school, and the college "logic" class is probably overkill. But you can teach yourself.

Check my GitHub for the math curriculum. Link here


To summarize machine learning consists mainly of
statistics calculus linear algebra and probability theory
Calculus tells us how to optimize linear algebra makes executing algorithms feasible on massive data sets.
Probability helps predict the likelihood of a certain outcome and statistics tells us what our goal is.

Certainly having a strong background in mathematics will make it easier to understand machine learning at a conceptual level.
When someone introduces you to the inference function in logistic regression, you’ll say, “Hey, that’s just linear algebra!”

Then to optimize over that linear model they’ll show you gradient descent, and again you’ll note, “Well, that’s just calculus!”

Support vector machines? Merely convex optimization.

Naive Bayes? Bayes before baes…!!(always) Just probability theory.

But surely deep learning must be something new? Backpropagation?
Just more calculus. Literally. Not harder, just more.
Supposing you did well in those undergrad classes, machine learning should come easy enough at first. At least, until it comes time to actually build a model in the real world.

One more thing that I would like to add is, Math becomes more and more intuitive as you progress in your journey of ML,DL, Computer vision, NLP etc. You have to have an intuition of what is going on behind the scenes, even though it is not possible to remember everything. This is necessary as a data scientist and as a ML engineer. To develop such as intuition, you need visualization skills. You need to be able to visualize in your head what is going on. I’ll give you an example:- given a Fourier series equation, how many can visualize what is going on. What do we mean when we say that step function turns out to be equal to the infinite sum and the coefficient of all the odd frequencies are rescaled by 4/pi. This needs visualization and developing such an intuition takes time. A long time..!!. But it can be done. After all you are going to be a scientist. I would suggest you to watch 3blue1brown on Youtube.

3blue1Brown on Youtube

So, learn and fail. This cycle will continue. Don’t worry about being good in mathematics. Only a few great minds in our human race can claim to be good, not all. Have an intuition, keep your basics in check, develop the curiosity and use Google to your full advantage. That’s it. Nothing more. Best of luck for your journey in ML.

1) Siraj Raval 
